Pastry Chef Narvaez Gave Russians Budino Secrets

Renowned American pastry chef Dahlia Navaez was arrested Monday in San Diego after FBI agents discovered she had supplied the Russians with top secret Mozza recipes including  the classified caramel-to-butterscotch ratio on the restaurant's trademark budino.

Navarez is being held without bail at the brig of the USS Midway aircraft carrier which is docked less than half a mile from Pizzeria Mozza San Diego which is set to open today in Seaport Village.

"National security does not just involve guns and bombs, it entails butter and salt also, " said U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.  "When a country has an advantage over an enemy, do not supply that enemy with  that advantage. But, that's what Narvaez has done. Allegedly."
Under the rules of the Geneva Convention's .Code of Prisoner Treatment, Narvaez was allowed to have one book. Without hesitation, Narvaez demanded - and received - the highly praised crime novel "Southside" by MIchael Krikorian .

Dahlia in the brig at the USS Midway

Dahlia in the brig at the USS Midway