Mozza's Chi Spacca Named 313th Best Restaurant In Los Angeles By Trip Advisor, Thrilled Chef Ryan DeNicola Plans Celebration Dinner
/When a humble, one-time cooking school adjacent to Nancy Silverton's fabled Osteria and Pizzeria Mozza corner re-invented itself as a restaurant in ? years ago, few gave it much chance of entering that rarefied club of L.A.'s finest dining establishments.
But, Monday, long time supporters of Spacca, as it is affectionately known, were tooting their trombones when it was revealed that "The Little Meat Palace That Could" had been named the 313th best restaurant in all of Los Angeles city and county.
"I don't even know what to say." said Spacca's stunned executive chef Ryan DeNicola upon hearing the news "I'm speechless. I would like to thank the Academy, though."
Dahlia Narvaez, the James Beard Award winning pastry chef who provides Chi Spacca with desserts was "thrilled" with the 313 rating. "This doesn't suck," Narvaez said.
However, Sous chef Joseph Tagorda, aka "The Hurtful Chef", typically, wasn't happy with the ranking. "Geez," he spewed sarcastically, "What was number 1? The Pantry, Otium or Trejos Tacos?"
The only sad news about Chi Spacca being rated 313 is, unfortunately, it's not accurate, despite what Trip Advisor's budding Michelin inspectors say. Just think if Los Angeles was such a good eating town that there really were 312 restaurants better than Chi Spacca. Hell, there's not even 312 restaurants on Planet Earth better than Spacca.
EDITOR'S NOTE- At press time, rumors were afloat that Chi Spacca had actually moved up to 311.
Chi Spacca chefs and cooks celebrate the 313.